Session 5 - We Can't Wait!
Rebels, we hope you've had a fabulous break and are ready to conquer a new set of challenges this next session!
Spark Studio
In Session 5, the Sparks are going on an adventure with the coolest creatures, from the oceans to the trees, with the Kratt brothers! Get ready for your learners' wild, wild session! Each week has its own theme, and we will kick it off with ocean exploration and marine life. Following this, the Sparks will focus on animal conservation, incredible creature powers, and animal habitats.
Our geography workshops will also explore the fascinating diversity of animals across different continents. By examining species native to various regions, the Sparks will learn how geography influences animal life, from the dense rainforests of South America to the vast deserts of Africa. We are super excited for this adventure!
During this French session, Group 1 will learn the names of animals in French and continue to review their previous knowledge through fun and interactive activities. Group 2 will also focus on animals while working on verbs, action words, and descriptive adjectives to express themselves more accurately in French.
Other highlights this session include the launch of sensory play Wednesdays, more Mystery Readers, March Mammal Madness, leprechaun trap building, and celebrating the arrival of spring!
Discovery Studio
In our next session, learners will be diving into three engaging and hands-on experiences:
Entrepreneur Quest (E-Ship Quest) – A dynamic journey into the world of entrepreneurship! Learners will explore motivation, market research, branding, unit economics, hiring, and competition as they develop their own business ideas. This hands-on experience will help them think critically, problem-solve, and unleash their creativity.
Persuasive Speeches – Rebels will sharpen their communication skills by crafting and delivering compelling speeches, learning to present ideas with confidence and impact.
Math Lab – To complement our Quest this session, Math Lab each week will focus on an aspect of financial literacy. We'll work on understanding Canadian currency and working with money amounts, how to add sales taxes, as well as how to be critical consumers.
In French, the Rebels will be invited to create a travel pamphlet about a French-speaking country. This activity will allow them to explore the diversity of the French-speaking world while developing their writing skills. Through this project, they will be encouraged to write complete and accurate sentences, learn and use basic travel-related vocabulary, and practice giving directions clearly and correctly.
Exploration Studio
In this session's Quest, we will explore Sustainable Living and Entrepreneurship! Rebels will critically examine their habits while learning to reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, and refuse better. They will learn how to fix, mend, and upcycle with the goal of creating products or services to sell at our end-of-session Sustainable Business Fair. Profits from the Exhibition will go toward helping fund our trip to Quebec City in May.
This session's Math Labs will focus on the world of patterning and building Rebels' algebraic reasoning. We'll explore how algebra is like a language used to describe relationships, use symbols to describe the world around us and learn how to represent patterns and variables in patterns.
For Reader/Writer, Rebels will learn about creating a portfolio and then create their own! They will make a website on Weebly with an About Me page and a place to showcase their learning.
In Civilizations, we will trace the story of salt, silver, coal, oil, sugar, glass, and conflict goods through time. Rebels will research and come together weekly to discuss how these commodities have changed and ruled our decision-making.
Rebels will continue their Apprenticeship preparation by reflecting on opportunities and injustices, naming their network, getting organized, and creating their Top Ten list of potential apprenticeships. We will also begin working on our networking skills, including making a first impression and starting a conversation.
In French this session, the learners will have the task of writing a story centered around an object. The goal is to bring an everyday object to life by telling a story inspired by the book "La belle histoire d'une vieille chose" by Louis Émond. This activity will encourage them to write complete and well-structured sentences, use different verb tenses, and expand their vocabulary related to everyday objects.
Launchpad Studio
Our Launchpad Rebels will continue with their personalized learning plans, including computer science, various mathematics courses, AP Biology, AP Language and Composition, AP Literature, Archaeology, and Challenge and Change. As a group, we will read The Importance of Being Earnest aloud and discuss and analyze each act. Learners will also take time to prepare for the Capital Model United Nations (CAPMUN) run by the University of Ottawa. They will research their topic and provided role, learn important terminology as well as the various points and motions, and write a position paper before attending. Launchpad will also continue working toward their International Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards and organize this May's Ottawa Children's Business Fair.
Important Upcoming Dates
Pink Shirt Day - Wednesday, February 26th
March Mammal Madness Brackets are DUE Friday, March 7th, to be included in the Revel contest (More to come on this!)
Pi Day - Friday, March 14th
St. Patrick's Day - Monday, March 17th
Exploration Thrift Store Field Trip - Wednesday, March 19th
Launchpad Model UN - Friday, March 21st - Sunday, March 23rd
Session 5 Exhibitions
Discovery Exhibition - Tuesday, April 1st at 4:15 pm
Spark Exhibition - Wednesday, April 2nd at 4:15 pm
Exploration Exhibition - Thursday, April 3rd at 4:15 pm
Sessional Break and Camp - Monday, April 7th - Friday, April 11th
Good Friday (No School) - Friday, April 18th
Easter Monday (No School) - Monday, April 21st