Happy New Year! - Welcome to Session 4!
Happy New Year! We can't wait to start Session 4 on Monday; we've missed the Rebels so much!
Spark Studio
We are so excited about our Session 4 Quest theme - Visual Art! Our six-week adventure will begin with a look at the colour wheel before exploring different mediums such as painting, drawing, and clay. We will learn about and gain inspiration from some of the greats, such as Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh, Tom Thomson, Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso, and more! We can't wait to see our Spark artists recreate and put their unique touch on some of these famous artists' masterpieces!
Math Lab
Both Math Lab groups will continue to explore the topic of geometry and look more in-depth at 2D and 3D shapes.
Group One will continue working on a variety of creative writing pieces and exploring parts of speech, such as verbs, homophones, antonyms, and synonyms in Reader/Writer. Meanwhile, Group Two will continue learning phonetic sounds as well as spelling and reading CVC words.
This session will focus on the map of the North American continent. We will be learning the names of each country, as well as the flags, culture, and landmarks of these amazing locations!
In French, we will use a weekly storybook as inspiration to work on our French comprehension and discussion through play and activities related to the book.
Mystery Reader
We are also excited to announce that we will host our Mystery Reader tradition again! In the new year, we invite family members to sign up and read a book or two in the Spark Studio. The time will be from 3:30 to 3:50 pm, and a sign-up sheet will be posted on BAND. Feel free to bring one of your favourite picture books to share, or we have a wide variety to choose from at Revel. You will send us three facts about yourself the day before your visit, which will be posted for the Rebels to try and guess who our Mystery Reader will be! This is a fun surprise for the learners, who are always so excited to welcome guests into the studio!
Outdoor Fun
We are looking forward to more wintery weather ahead! We will check the forecast and let you know ahead of time on BAND when the Sparks will be heading to the tobogganing hill. All Rebels who participate in sledding must wear a helmet. Please also ensure your learner has a spare set of clothes and 2-3 extra pairs of socks to change into.
Discovery Studio
We are so excited for Session 4's Quest in the Discovery Studio! Rebels will learn about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: physiological needs, safety, love, and belonging, as well as esteem and self-actualization. By progressing through weekly challenges in relation to the various levels of needs, the intention is for Rebels to develop a deep understanding of what is essential to living a physically healthy life and how to keep themselves safe and cultivate healthy relationships, including with themselves! All of this leads to our Session 4 Exhibition, where Rebels will host a grand opening of the Revel Health and Wellness Centre, acting as health advisors for their friends and family. From the science of sleep to nutrition, identity, friendship and callings that will change the world, Rebels will tackle The Needs Quest!
Draw and Anchor Rebels will be writing about their Best Parts, and Aim and Release Rebels will create their own Book of Awesome, with both groups focusing on descriptive writing.
Math Lab
Session 4's Math Labs will explore patterns of all kinds: repeating, growing, and shrinking. This includes geometric designs, number sequences and different ways of representing them, such as in a table of values or a graph. Rebels will be tasked with finding pattern rules and using them to extend patterns as well as make and justify predictions.
This session, both groups will learn to talk about their families in French. The Rebels will each create their family tree and write a story about a member of their family.
Exploration Studio
Rebels, it's time to get your creative juices flowing! In this session, we will tackle Worldbuilding! Will you take us to a magical land full of fairies, dragons, and wizards? Or maybe you want to transport us to a lawless country run by pirates and outlaws? Or perhaps we find ourselves flung to the far reaches of the galaxy, in a high-tech society on another planet full of superintelligent aliens? Any theme or style is acceptable as long as it's your own! You will be tasked with creating a world complete with the physical features, inhabitants, governance, economy, lore, and more! At Exhibition, you will showcase a mood board, backstory, and final project of your choosing in the hopes of winning a high-stakes prize!
Civilization - Cartography
To go along with our Worldbuilding Quest, we will learn about cartography in Civ during this session. We will begin by learning about maps, including their perceptions and distortions, before working to create our own for the worlds we are designing.
In this session, learners will work on their creative and descriptive writing, character development, and drama skills! We will create one character from our world and dive deep into their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, motivations, conflicts, and goals. Rebels will create a character sheet as well as a backstory before "becoming" the character at Exhibition.
Math Lab
To complement this session's Worldbuilding Quest, Session 4's Math Lab theme is Our World in Data! Weekly labs will be all about data and graphing: Rebels will explore different data types, data collection practices, and ways to organize and visualize data. Perhaps most importantly, they will also reflect on how existing graphs may or may not be misleading and why.
In French, Rebels will be asked to make a presentation, a video, or a zine on a topic of their choice to introduce something new to other learners.
Apprenticeship Prep
Apprenticeships are an essential component of the Revel program. In order to prepare, learners will identify problems they would like to solve or careers of interest through self-reflection and research. We will think about our personal gifts, times when we are most in flow, who we admire, and what success looks like to us. We will then begin the Apprenticeship Hunt and begin to build a network! In Sessions 5 - 7, we will take what we've discovered about ourselves and work to secure an apprenticeship after taking time to work on our communication and networking skills.
Launchpad Studio
Our Launchpad Rebels will continue with their personalized learning plans, including their outside coursework, such as AP Biology, AP Language and Composition, AP Literature, Canadian and International Law, Getting Started in Nature Writing with Oxford, and Challenge and Change. A few learners will also read, analyze, and discuss Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and participate in an elevated version of the Worldbuilding Quest. While working to complete their yearlong math, language, computer science, and art goals, Launchapd will also be guiding in our other studios, applying for University, and organizing this year's Ottawa Children's Business Fair.
Important Upcoming Dates
Session 4 Exhibitions
Discovery Studio - Tuesday, February 11th at 4:15 pm
Spark Studio - Wednesday, February 12th at 4:15 pm
Exploration Studio - Thursday, February 13th at 4:15 pm
Sessional Break and Camp: February 18th - 21st